The former 'Big Brother' star Goody's publicist, Max Clifford said: "We're waiting for the inevitable, it could be at any time, we just don't know. She has put her house in order and faced up to everything in an incredibly brave way."
Yesterday, Jade was visited by her two sons, Bobby (5) and Freddy (4) at her Essex home. Her husband Jack Tweed and her mum Jackiey Budden were also in attendance.
In a heartbreaking meeting with her two young boys, Jade explained to them that “Mummy’s going to heaven soon”. She said: "I'm going to be a star up in the sky so when you are looking up you will be able to see me and know I'm there, always looking over you. Mummy's going to be up there looking over you. Close your eyes and you can talk to me."
And in a further example of the gallows humour that typifies the brave young star, she is reported to have asked her mother Jackiey to buy her a lottery ticket.
Goody has already made full arrangements for her funeral, which she hopes will be a “celebration” of her life. It is expected that thousands of fans will line the streets to see her cortege pass through the streets of Bermondsey, and then out to the churchyard of St John the Baptist in Buckhurst Hill, where she will be buried.
Max Clifford added: "She wants it to be a big celebration because it's her final farewell. It will be a very Jade Goody event, exactly the way she wants it."
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