Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thank you, Mr Raj

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A lot is being discussed and done about Raj Thakray for quite some time now... Frankly here, I don't want to write about what seems to be right or wrong, neither do I want to pass any opinions or comments on what he is doing. We have been hearing lot of things already been spoken by many people. I personally just want to thank him.

Must be shocked na????

But really I would like to thank him.

  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with nearly no traffic on road.
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day making me walk to station & back home.
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with nearly no crowd in Local Trains
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with nearly no crowd in Best Buses.
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with nearly zero pollution on streets of Mumbai (Actually I typed Bombay as used to)
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with no street vendors on the footpaths.
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with people leaving their offices a lot early than usual.
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with reminding the law that no one is above it.
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for a day with BREAKING NEWS for all the news channels.
  • Thank you, Mr Raj for showing me a day which seems to be rare in Mumbai.